Academy of American Poets Multimedia
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Edit, Edit, Edit!
One of the most important part of the writing process is revision done the input of your peers. One way to do this is by taking a creative class at Cal Poly, like these students in professor Kevin Clark's ENGL 488 (Advanced Poetry Writing). Or by finding a creative writing workshop in the area. To find out more about peer editing, watch the video below.
The importance of creativity
Creativity levels in schools, whether it be at the kindergarten or college level, have gone down significantly. Contests like the Academy of American Poets Contest keep the creative energy alive. The following Storify shows the importance of creativity in a student's life.
Creativity in schools
The way children should be educated has been debated for years and for good reason, children are going to grow up and make those decisions for their children and children's children. A current hot button issue is how much creativity should be in the classroom.
Many Americans think that the educational focus is too heavily geared towards standardized testing, long school days, and mountains of homework. Although some contests (like the Academy of American Poets Contest) and teachers encourage the creation of art and exploration of the imagination, most people think that these opportunities are few and far in between.
Students and thought leaders are no exception to these opinions.