Student Learning Goals for Undergraduate English Major

Allen in class

Student Learning Outcomes and Goals


Learning Outcomes

  • Think critically and creatively about literature and language.
  • Write clearly and effectively about literature and language in a variety of formats.
  • Explicate literary texts from the diverse range of works and traditions.
  • Incorporate scholarly research into papers.
  • Understand a wide range of historical and critical literary linguistic terms and categories.

Learning Goals

  • Understand how literary texts reflect, critique, and produce culture.
  • Pursue deeper knowledge of particular authors and works.
  • Understand the structure of language and how language varies over time, across social situations and social groups.
  • Participate in face-to-face exchanges of ideas with faculty, fellow students, and authors in the classroom and other academic or social settings.
  • Participate in small seminars where ideas are tested and sharpened.
  • Cultivate relational thinking that encourages students to make connections between the arts and humanities and other fields of study.
  • Sustain a life-long engagement with and delight in literature, art, and culture.
  • Perpetuate an interest and involvement in aesthetic, cultural, and intellectual matters, including social and political issues.
  • Draw upon multiple literacies to interpret literary, visual, and cultural texts.

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