Dr. Kevin Clark

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Co-Director, Creative Writing Program

Office:  47-26H
Phone:  756-2506

Upcoming Courses

(subject to change)

Spring 2016

ENGL 380-02   Literary Themes: Contemporary American Poetry
ENGL 488-01   Advanced Creative Writing: Poetry


Ph.D.  Literature: University of California, Davis 1986
M.A.   Creative Writing: University of California, Davis 1979
B.A.    English: University of Florida 1972

Teaching and Research Interests

Poetry Writing
Contemporary American Poetry
Modern World Poets in Translation
Modern British Poetry
Modern and Contemporary American Literature
Contemporary American Poets of Color
Modern Literatures since 1853

Selected Publications


Self-Portrait with Expletives, Lena-Miles Wever Todd Poetry Series winner, Pleiades Press, distributed by LSU Press, 2010.
In the Evening of No Warning, New Issues Poetry and Prose, Western Michigan University, March, 2002.
One of Us, chapbook, Mille Grazie Press, Santa Barbara, California, 2000.
Widow under a New Moon, chapbook, Owl Creek Press, Seattle, Washington, 1990.
Granting the Wolf, chapbook, State Street Press, Brockport, New York, l984.

Poems in journals:

The Georgia, Iowa, and Antioch reviews, Crazyhorse, Ploughshares, Gulf Coast, The New York Quarterly, The Denver Quarterly, many others.

Poems anthologized:

Keener Sounds: Selected Poems from The Georgia Reviewbr>The Notre Dame Review: The First Ten Years
A Gathering of Poets (Kent State University Press)
The State Street Reader
The Anthology of Magazine Verse and Yearbook of American Poetry (1981)
New Voices, l979-l983 (Academy of American Poets)
Intro 11 (Associated Writing Programs)

Selected criticism

"Synchronous Isolations:  ‘Elegies for the Ocher Deer on the Walls at Lascaux’ by Norman Dubie," American Poetry, vol 5, no 2, Winter 1988.
"'The Wife's Went Bazook:  Comedic Feminism in the Poetry of Ruth Stone," The House is Made of Brick:  The Poetry of Ruth Stone, Southern Illinois University  Press, Carbondale, Illinois, 1994.
"Learning to Read the Mother Tongue:  On Sandra Gilbert's Blood Pressure," The Iowa Review (Volume 22, No. 1), June 1992).
"Sandra McPherson," a 5000 word chapter on contemporary poet Sandra McPherson, Introduction to Poetry, Salem Press, May 1992.
"Stature," The Point Where All Things Meet:  Essays on Charles Wright, Oberlin College Press, Oberlin, Ohio, 1994 (reprinted).
"Study As Practice: On the Role of Creative Writing in the English Curriculum," The Writer’s Chronicle (a publication of the Associated Writing Programs), vol 32, no 1, September 1999. 
"Privileging the Symbol:  John Ashbery's 'A Wave,'" Contemporary Literary Criticism, vol. 125, 2000 (reprinted).
“Self-Reversal and the Poetics of Judgment,” on the poetry of C.G. Hanzlicek, The Southern Review, vol 39, no 3, Summer 2003.
“The Vigil of Astonishment,” on the poetry of Norman Dubie, The Georgia Review, Spring, 2004.
“Poetic Modernism and the Oceanic Divide,” on New British Poetry, The Georgia Review, Summer, 2005.
“Camille Paglia, Rock Prof,” on Break Blow Burn, by Camille Paglia, The Georgia Review, Summer, 2006.
“’Even Sincerity’: On the Viability of the Self in Contemporary Poetry,” essay-review of three critical books about contemporary poetry, The Georgia Review, Fall 2008.
“Everyman’s Monologist,” on The House on Boulevard Street by David Kirby, The Southern Review, Vol 44:1, Winter 2008.


The Mind’s Eye: A Guide to Writing Poetry, Pearson Longman, 2007.

Awards and Honors 

Winner, Lena-Miles Wever Todd Poetry Series contest, Pleiades Press, 2009.
Cal Poly Distinguished Teaching Award, 2002.
Angoff Award, The Literary Review, 1997.

Author’s website:


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