Erin Holzer

Erin HolzerTeaching Associate 2011-12

Office: Bldg. 20-133C
Phone: 756-6801

entered graduate program: fall ‘09

degree(s) & major: B.A. in English  from Cal Poly, with minor in history and psychology

areas of interest: war novels and Latin American literature

favorite authors: Tim O'Brien, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Paulo Coelho, Isabel Allende

book recommendations: The Things They Carried, A Soldier of the Great War, The Magus

contact information: (949) 939-3968

miscellany: my favorite foods are pickles and ice cream sandwiches.  I dedicate a large amount of my time to volunteering at the Cal Poly Cat Shelter so if anyone has an interest in visiting the kitties, let me know!

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