Anne Baltimore




M.A. Composition, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA
B.S. Business Administration, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA
Technical Writing Certificate, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA
English Minor, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA 

Teaching and Research Interests

Technical Communication
Social Media Technologies

Selected Publications

"Giving the Middle Grade: One Teacher's Private Controversy," essay,
Moebius, an Annual Publication of the Cal Poly College of Liberal Arts. Vol 5.1 (2007):33-36. Print.
“Bob Burnett,” Personal Interview. Moebius, an Annual Publication of the Cal Poly College of Liberal Arts. Vol 6.1 (2008):47-48. Print.
“Barbara Bear,” Personal Interview. Moebius, an Annual Publication of the Cal Poly College of Liberal Arts. Vol 7.1 (2009):51-54. Print.
Press Release, “The Harsh Life of Veronica Lambert,” All Over the Place Films. PDF. 2009.
Editor, Carpe Sol Business Proposal, December, 2010. Print.
“Ron Meritt,” Personal Interview. Moebius, An Annual Publication of the Cal Poly College of Liberal Arts. Vol 8.1 (2010). Print.
“The Perfect Shattering,” poem, Moebius, an Annual Publication of the Cal Poly College of Liberal Arts. Vol 8.1 (2010). Print.
Selection Committee Member. Fresh Voices: Navigating our lives & Our World. Ed. Dawn Janke, Sadie Johann. Vol.5.   New York: Pearson. (2008-11). Print. 4 vols.
Administrator and Editor, Cal Poly English 149 Wiki. PBWorks. 2008-continuing.

Cal Poly English 149
Moebius Entries 2010
Moebius: "The Perfect Shattering"


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