Marisa Voorhees

Cal Poly - B.A. English, 1999

Other degrees/certificates:

Certificate in Management, Kellogg Management Institute, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, 2008

Current city/state:

Chicago, IL


Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University

Professional Website:

Job Title:

Senior Associate Director, Alumni Relations

How Long in Current Position:

3 years

Brief description of position duties/responsibilities:

Manage a team of 15 on all aspects of alumni engagement include virtual and in-person programs.

What specific qualities/abilities, skills are necessary for this position:

Strong written and oral communication skills, exceptional customer service and conflict resolutions skills, and event management experience.

While at Cal Poly, what resources did you take advantage of that have helped you in your current position:

I was a WOW counselor.  I also found my small-group English classes and my senior project to be great for developing skills essential to my job.

What advice would you give to someone interested in your profession?

Seek opportunities for event coordinator and volunteer management while at school. Also be prepared to move out to move up in your career.

Is there anything you'd like to personally add about how you found your way to your current career since graduating from Cal Poly as an English major?  Any memorable epiphanies that marked major turning points on which path you chose?

CP offered me many opportunitites to get involved and find my strengths as well as my love for higher ed. I fell into AR thinking I would be in student affairs and was lucky to have a great mentor in my first job out of college. CP gave me the confidence to go for it.


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