Kevin Luttrell

Cal Poly - B.A. English, 1996

Other degrees/certificates:

Certificate of Courage -- issued for bungee jumping off a 400 foot bridge in Costa Rica

Current city/state:

Honolulu, HI


Honolulu Design Center & NiteOwl Group -- freelance

Professional Website:

Job Title:

Freelance writer

How Long in Current Position:

2 years

Brief description of position duties/responsibilities:

Production and management of online content projects including, but not limited to, Web design and development, video advertising, social media, brand awareness and identity, user interface, copy writing, code writing and remembering to laugh.

What specific qualities/abilities, skills are necessary for this position:

Critical analysis and selection of appropriate tools to complete the project's scope and goals. Communication through writing, verbally, visually and conceptually. Creativity and curiosity. Starting every discussion with , "what if we tried…".

While at Cal Poly, what resources did you take advantage of that have helped you in your current position:

Managing Editor of Byzantium

What advice would you give to someone interested in your profession?

Think in three dimensions. Don't be afraid of the unknown. You can teach yourself anything.

Is there anything you'd like to personally add about how you found your way to your current career since graduating from Cal Poly as an English major?  Any memorable epiphanies that marked major turning points on which path you chose?

After a few years doing Government Affairs and Crisis Management Public Relations, I realized that sometimes you can be on the wrong side of a winning argument. Step back and really take a hard look at what you would do even if you didn’t get paid to do it. Whatever it is, an English degree can help.



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