2014-15 Subtitled Courses

The following courses are subject to change, based on staffing. Please check PASS for the most current available course offerings.

Fall 2014

Instructor Course (ENGL) Course Topic
Keesey 372 Film Directors - Hitchcock
Schwartz 380 Love & Death, the Tristan Tradition
Allen 439

Jane Austen Fiction & Film

Marchbanks 439 James Joyce's Ulysses
Navarro 449 LA Through Literature & Film
Inchausti 449

Beats Generation

Clark 511 Modern American Poetry
Waitinas 511 Early American Poetry
Hampsey 512 Romantics

Winter 2015

Instructor COurse (engl) Course topic
Keesey 371 Contemporary Film Noir
Kann 380 Science Fiction 
Clark 380 Love/Sex/Romance - Contemporary American Poetry
Navarro 381 Latino/a Literature in the US
Campbell 449

Maddness in American Literature

Forster 449 Mark Twain
Kauffmann 459 Postcolonial Literature
Marchbanks 512 Victorians
Schwartz 512 Medieval British Literature

Spring 2015

Instructor Course (engl) course topic
Keesey 372  
Schwartz 430 Chaucer
Stegner 432 Milton
Allen 439 18th Century Drama
Rummell 449 African-American Women Writers
Campbell 511 American Modernism
Kann 511 Transcendental Themes/American Literature
Kauffmann 512 20th Century British Prose/Fiction


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